Wednesday, February 24, 2021

How does Magento Ecommerce work? | Ecommerce (Magneto) service company in delhi

Ecommerce has become a requisite for all the business categories. Every online business owner looks for a sophisticated ecommerce solution that offers a blend of scalability, flexibility, and the extensibility at your fingertips. Techimpero is an award winning ecommerce (Magneto) website development company in delhi. Our staff talents and vast experiences enhance the quality of our environment by providing services including web app development, mobile app development, web solutions, website design and many more. Ecommerce (Magneto) service company in delhi


Do you dream of developing an ecommerce website with all the world class features and a mobile friendly theme that engages the customers 24/7? If you said yes, you are at the right place! There are a countless number of open source web application platforms out there, and making a choice about which framework to opt for is a hard nut to crack. You don’t need to worry, though.


There is a platform that has crossed millions of downloads and is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms in the digital marketplace – the one and only Magento.


Magento is Open Source = Free


Power your online business with the most flexible and scalable ecommerce platform.

While there are other platforms like OsCommerce, OpenCart, Zen Cart and WordPress etc., and they are among the leading open source ecommerce platforms, it is widely regarded as the most search engine friendly ecommerce platform available in the market. 

This open source ecommerce platform, besides having rich features, offers the users an unrivaled flexibility to manage content, looks, and functionality of their ecommerce store. This will give you the ultimate ecommerce solution with a powerful blend of highly scalable design and a wide-ranging support network.


Magento Versions:

  • Magento Community Edition (free)
  • Magento Enterprise Edition (paid)
  • Magento Go (paid & hosted on Magento’s servers)


The most popular of them all is the Community Edition which is completely open source and has probably the largest and most active developer community for ecommerce platforms on the internet. There are many companies out there which work with both the Magento Community and Magento Enterprise depending on the clients’ requirements. Both the versions offer different feature sets and have their own advantages and disadvantages.


Have you ever wondered why Magento has left all the other platforms behind? And why Magento deserves to be the #1 open source ecommerce platform? And why is Magento the most preferred ecommerce platform? What are the advantages of Magento over other ecommerce platforms? Here, we explore the reasons for Magento’s unparalleled success and why it deserves to be the most popular e-commerce platform.


Simple and easy to use features:


  • Flexible Content Management System: You can quickly build customized solutions that work in sync with your ecommerce business needs owing to the flexibility of Magento platform.
  • It generates revenues and sales from the effective tools like cross-sells and upsells that entice users to buy more products. Magento creates search engine friendly URLs that are good for the marketing.
  • One of the best things about this platform is that it provides an inclusive range of features in a well-organized manner.
  • It updates the website automatically. (Usually not available on other ecommerce platforms)
  • Magento’s flexible rules of pricing attract a high number of customers.
  • It supports multiple websites to promote the products and services across domains.
  • It customizes your store in any way you want and obtain any template for the look you desire.
  • Magento is responsive and completely mobile-friendly. Functions of this ecommerce platform are very simple, quick and versatile.
  • Browse easily, buy comfortably and enjoy the effective services expediently.
  • Extremely popular and has a very long history.
  • Therefore, plenty of information is available for the users as well as developers.
  • Magento’s advanced SEO support features give products a great chance to rank on all the popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and more.
  • Manage your products efficiently.
  • You can display the specific prices for a specific group of customers, add multiple images for products and you can control all this by using simple options.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Advantages of Social Media Marketing | Digital Marketing in delhi

Get Affordable SMM Services from India’s top SMM company (Techimpero) is offering the best, you need the right resource. We are providing affordable internet marketing services to companies seeking growth, efficiency, and profitability. PPC services, online Digital marketing, email marketing, Google Ad words and many others. Social media marketing company in delhi


Here are the top reasons why it is imperative for businesses to be on social media, and how it can help ensure your brand’s success. 


Faster, Easier Communication: Customers can contact a customer service representative faster and easier now than ever before thanks to the social media. Businesses can also receive, review, and respond to the customers’ grievances faster and easier than ever before. Depending on industry and the grievance, challenges may still remain, but the line of communication that once was somewhat challenging to establish is no longer nearly as difficult to do so.


Networking & Partnerships: In addition to the simplified lines of communication, there is the aspect of general availability. Let’s face it: there is a small part of the world’s population that it would be nearly impossible for the most average humans to ever directly communicate with without the right kind of help (publicist, agent, etc.).

Also consider actors and actresses, athletes, and the other high-profile people most of us Average Joes would never be able to interact with. Social media helps connect us easier than ever before.


Here are some examples of the added value these connections facilitate are:


  • Trust from others’ networks and audience members.

  • The acquisition of the quality backlinks (that offer SEO boost as well as, hopefully, an increase in referral visitors).

  • Potential business opportunities.


Boost Organic Visibility: There is so much potential value to be unlocked through social media, aside from the networking and partnership-produced backlinks.

In addition to the SEO value gained from adding the quality backlinks to your brand’s website (by way of social media relationships, as well as the ways social media help accumulate a variety of link types to comprise a healthy backlink profile), social media also sends relevancy signals and other signals to search engines like Google to ensure popular content is easily visible and shareable.


Increase Website Traffic: The social media channels are supplemental to the brand’s website and, if there is one, its brick-and-mortar location.

Social media is intended to reach the different audiences in a personable, useful, and entertaining way and refer those potential customers you may not have ever had the chance to engage with previously to get to know and try your business. This works well in all the cases when done correctly.


Customer Feedback: In the world of business, sales, and the profits, regardless of what your industry is and who you are marketing and selling to, the focus has to truly be on the customer.

And success, both digitally and traditionally, is achieved by understanding — and delivering — the best quality customer service possible, and doing everything in your power to ensure your customer and potential customers have the best possible experience with your company.


Impress Potential Customers: Keeping in line with maintaining your brand’s respected reputation is the opportunity to impress the potential customers with how you’ve handled other, typically unrelated customer interactions. People often turn to — even rely — on the social media and online-review sites to get a good idea of just who a company truly is. Just like marketers, the consumers are using social media as a tool to help them make better purchases and decisions in general.


Branding: While branding essentially involves each numbered entry listed in this column, it is important to stress it as one of (if not the) most valuable capabilities of social media.


You may not see as high of a conversion rate via social media (depending on the business and the sales structure) as you do other marketing mediums (paid search, organic search, etc.), but the impression a brand gives off and reputation it built can be greatly enhanced and showcased through social media. You can show off your brand culture and the personality, stand out among the rest for the traits that make your brand different, and attract new, quality employees and further improve your business even more.


Track Your Competition: Social media channels also allow us to keep our finger on the pulse of not just the other marketing tactics and practices, but also with the tactics used by direct competitors.

And we can also learn a lot from our competition.

No one is perfect, and we can all learn something new. The ultimate goal is having the customer understand us and depend on us for our authoritative approach within our niche over the competition.


Our competitors are aiming to do the same things as us (establish and protect the brand reputation and ultimately sell its products/services), so it’s worth us monitoring and finding out ways our business can do better to educate and entertain users, as well as the things our brand does well, and ways we can get better across the board.


User-Generated Content & Crowdsourcing of Ideas: The larger the audience, the more potential the content has to really impact a brand and it’s messaging. Brands will receive and be able to (usually) use this sometimes-quality content — videos, images, infographics and memes, etc. — with proper permission, of course.

Social media allows us to ask for this user-generated content and then receive it directly, but there is quite a bit going in between all of that, too.

Difference between Android & Iphone App Development | Mobile app development company in delhi

In this article, we compare the difference between Android and iOS app development to understand the basic changes and determine a more appropriate OS platform to build an app for your business. Techimpero is a website designing and mobile app development company providing services to enterprises across the world and marketing needs. We are an organization driven by enthusiasm and desire of young ones. Our services like web development, app development are a unique combination of user-friendly design and strong internet marketing plans. Mobile app development company in delhi


So let’s dive in:


  1. Development language

Java applies to the Android-based apps when building; it requires a lot of code to be written. A brand-new language Swift was designed to develop iOS-based apps. The coding on the Swift is much faster as compared to Java. It is required much more time for the Java engineers to code as compared to Swift ones. Swift first appeared in 2014 and the apps are built faster due to writing less code.


  1. Integrated development environment availability (IDE)

Originally engineers applied the Eclipse tool as an environment for Google-backed applications development. Then Google released Studio, and all the engineers started to use it due to its excellent possibilities: cross-platform, simple packaging, a huge amount of functionality and great debugging.

iOS developers use XCode when developing the Apple-backed iOS apps. It is an incredibly productive environment for building amazing apps for the Mac/iPhone/iPad devices. It also has a possibility to find out the mistakes/errors in both the syntax and logic and even get the code fixed.


  1. Design philosophy

Below you can read about the design principles that should be considered when designing an app:


  • Screen sizes and resolutions. Apple-backed iOS devices have two screen sizes (iPhone/iPad) with more than the three possible resolutions for iPhone and a few for iPad. IPhone 4 resolution is also used for the iPad. Meanwhile, Google-backed equipment, which runs on Android, has a great number of screen sizes that respectively lead to a wide range of the screen resolutions.
  • Navigation: Android-powered devices navigation bar is placed left while the iOS one shifted to the top. Android-based prefers colorful icons while iOS keeps the navigation icons blue or gray by default.
  • Menu: Google-backed devices prefer having a drawer menu or a side/hamburger menu, which usually places on the left after the tap-and-pull gesture, whereas the iOS prioritizes its tab bar which is typically placed at the bottom with a comparatively easier access to the hidden menu icons. 
  • Alerts and pop-ups: These tabs suddenly appear and require the prompt actions. Therefore, there are some minor distinctions in the alerts and pop-ups. Android users should submit an action to avoid the alerts by clicking “Agree/Disagree” or “Don’t allow/Okay” for the Apple-backed users. There are two types of the alerts for iOS-powered devices - alert and actionsheet. 
  • ‘Back’ button: The Apple-backed platform does not have a real ‘Back’-button whereas the Google-backed in order users can return to the previous page earlier opened. But iPhone users can use the top left button to go back to previous screens in the hierarchical order without navigating through the entire app.


  1. The audience

Demographic statistics can give more useful information about the users that use Android/iOS-powered gears. This is the true north where the investigation should be started. Google-backed platform currently holds the largest global platform share.

Apple users tend to be female, 35+ years old who work in the media/marketing/business industry, their average annual income $200K. Android users are male, 18-34 years old, who work in IT/Energy & Utilities, their average annual income $50K $100K.


  1. Development complexity

The difference between iOS and Android in coding languages is not so complex in comparison with the OS fragmentation. Apple has the limited number of devices (iPhone/iPod/iPad), which run iOS, whereas the Android-powered devices have a wide range of systems that operate on devices.

As a result, Android-based gear creation is more complex, goes slower due to a wide range of operating systems as compared to the iOS-powered gears with a narrow range of OSs.


  1. Speed of development

Android-based platform creation is more time-consuming and slow in terms of the OS fragmentation. It takes 30-40% longer for engineers to build an Android-powered mobile app in contrast to the app that runs iOS. It is even despite not very complex Java/Kotlin languages.


  1. Cost of development

To define how much it costs to make an app based on business requirements and needs, firstly, you need to make a decision on the platform, choose the dev team and ask for a rough estimate. You should also keep in mind that the app development cost depends on the time taken to build it.

The truth is that the more time the app needs, the higher it costs. We recommend you read how much it costs to create an app like Uber or SnapChat. These articles will help you to understand how it is usually done.


  1. Deployment speed

The acceptance process or review process for the Android-powered apps to be released on Google Play takes less time as compared to an iOS-based app to get on Apple Store. The reason is that Android-based apps are checked with automated tests while iOS apps require personal expert’s verification (7 days on average).

Google allows the developers to handle some errors, multiple versions to be submitted during a day. Android engineers should be careful in order not to publish an app with the errors while there is a risk for the iOS app to be rejected after waiting for a response from experts so much time.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Benefits of using OpenCart | Ecommerce (Opencart) company in india

Opencart is a good solution for your needs. This system is based on the model view controller method. It is one of the well-known systems in the market for E-commerce solutions. It is a very powerful and impactful platform to develop. Techimpero is the best ecommerce development company in delhi. Our company works in mobile app development, strategy, website development, digital marketing etc. Our clients include enterprise companies and startups. We have worked in consumer products, business services and health etc. Ecommerce (Opencart) company in india


Here we will discuss some of the key benefits of working with OpenCart.

Setup is easy

People choose OpenCart because this setup is very easy. Anybody can easily download the platform and start working on it. Unlike the other content management system platforms, this requires a lot of other skills for set up.  Opencart is an open source platform, so you can customize it as per your requirements. As PHP is a base for it; it is a cost-effective option for setting up the store.

Easy to use

While comparing with the other platforms, the OpenCart platform is easy to use. It has a very friendly interface for the users. It has options like a catalog, system, sales and extension, etc. It is an advanced tool, so it gives you mobile and tablet integrations as well. You can use the admin panel on the tablet, mobile phones, and the desktops.

Technical skills

To build your online store on the OpenCart platform; technical expertise skills are not mandated. You can easily create your own online store as well as handle it.

Flexibility and easy control

Today the market is very volatile so as your business! It is required to update your e-commerce site on a regular basis. It will give you easy access and control of all the features. So you can regularly update your site. You can download any of the extensions and start working on it easily.

A lot of features

OpenCart is a popular Content Management System. It gives you options for the different forums, articles, and documentation. A survey says that there are more than 5 lac posts and forums available. You can also take the help of this official forum for your queries.

Virtual file structure

It is built in the version of vQmod and Ocmod created by Google. This will help you to edit your files in CMS. VQmod will create a virtual file and it will make sure that your original copy of the file remains unchanged. So you can revert back your changes at any point in time.

A lot of templates

If your budget is minimal and you are running out of time then you can adopt any ready to use template provided by the OpenCart. There are hundreds of readymade templates and themes which are available on the OpenCart system.

Multilanguage Feature

Today when people are running businesses in different regions; the language is a key point. With the help of OpenCart, you can easily switch your language from one to another with the minimal changes. You can build your store in multiple languages with a very few efforts.


With the help of OpenCart, you can build a multi-store online business model. If you have different designs, products, customer databases, and the modules, you can still build an easy multi-storey model with the OpenCart platform. This multi-store model can be built in a lot of different languages.

Search Engine Optimization

Market promotion and increase in sale is a prime motto of any business model. Especially when you are going online, it is mandatory to focus on search engine optimization (seo). It will give you the best solutions for off page as well as on page SEO tools. Google likes this platform, so there are plenty of SEO tools which are in support with OpenCart.

Performance and usability

A good online website should be also good at performance and usability. There is no point in a beautiful website taking a long time to load or download. OpenCart provides you better performance with the handy structure and smart search option.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Advantages of Search Engine Optimization | SEO company in delhi

Although SEO takes time and utmost efforts, it is a gift that keeps on giving. Techimpero is India’s one of the best SEO companies in Delhi. We are offering a wide range of SEO, Digital Marketing, PPC management and Google Adwords services all over India. With relevant Marketing plans crafted as per your needs, we aim to help grow your business. Best SEO company in delhi

Here are a few of the biggest SEO benefits:

Improve Your Site’s User Experience: This is not a one-time exercise as users’ behavior and expectations may change with time. If they don’t find what they want on your site or are struggling to find it, they may leave your site sooner than desired and not come back again. Even Google keeps reinventing the way it finds and populates the search information on its SERPs and has now become an answers site after understanding what its users want from it (the need to actually visit a site is fast-waning as you can find all the information you need on a SERP itself).

Increase Brand Visibility: The more relevant SERPs you show up at the top of, the more eyeballs you stand to grab, thus raising more awareness about your brand and your product or service offering. SEO helps you to create a sustained online buzz surrounding your brand, which in turn helps promote brand recall. With SEO, you can craft a definitive, standout brand voice that will help you connect with the user demographic you have in your mind.

Build Brand Credibility and Trust: Being featured among the top search results on Google means that the search engine considers you as a relevant, useful and genuine source of information/content and prefers you to other sites that are in the running. SEO helps establish the authority of your site through various practices like getting the backlinks from other reputable sites in your field, optimizing on-page content, identifying crawl errors and broken links, improving your site’s user experience, etc.

Largest Source of Site Traffic: It is one of the best ways to engage in inbound marketing. When users search for something that is related to your niche, domain or industry, they know what they want and are actively seeking the information/leads. It helps target a specific demographic and bring in quality traffic to your site while not being intrusive or annoying like TV ads or telemarketing, for instance. It is very customer-centric and can help you target a specific section of people online.

Provides You Great Insights: It comes with great insights into your customers, including the times of the year, month or day they are most active, the regions from which the most traffic originates, the language they use while searching online for information, etc. While you can use the Google Keyword Planner to know the keywords that are the most relevant to your business or niche, Google Analytics will tell you a lot about user browsing behavior, their interests, etc.

Does Not Involve Paid Ads: Low overall costs are one of the biggest benefits of SEO. While the most digital marketing professionals bank heavily on or strongly recommend one form of online marketing over another, we believe that a good combination of both paid and non-paid marketing methods is the key to success. While paid marketing accounts for around 15% of a website’s traffic, it may not always be the best course of action for smaller businesses that are just starting off and have budget constraints that make it difficult for it to take on the high per-ad costs. 

Help to Attract Local Customers: Local search focuses on geo-specific searches and local business listings. It is very important for small and medium-sized businesses to have their site optimized for the location they operate in. Having a properly optimized Google My Business profile and knowledge graph panel, tailor-making your site content to answer the local search queries, having more favorable local users’ reviews on Google, etc. can help you attract local customers.

Help in High ROI and Conversions: SEO accounts for a large chunk of a site’s traffic, which means that there can be more conversions. Whether you want to get your site visitors to make a purchase, subscribe to your newsletter or share your content on their social media handle, it paves the way for it all. It is highly quantifiable – Google Analytics can give you unparalleled insight into every small action that you take and tell you what is working and what is not.

SEO is a Long Term Strategy: This is one of the most important benefits of SEO – it can start showing the results anywhere between six to 12 months from the date of implementation and hold good for years to come. And that’s right there is one of the top reasons you must invest in either a good in-house SEO team or look at outsourcing the work. 


Keep up With Google’s Search Algorithm Updates: Google releases hundreds of changes or updates to its search algorithm every single year to stay ahead of fraudulent or black-hat SEO techniques that have been designed to take advantage of it and gain better search rankings. This means that you must be up to date with all latest developments in the field of SEO in order to hold on to your search rankings or continue to climb upward in SERPs.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Difference between Joomla and WordPress | Ecommerce development (Wordpress) company in delhi)

The basic difference between WordPress and Joomla is that Joomla started out as a CMS meant to serve the portal-like websites, while WordPress was originally a blog-focused platform. These days, however, both WordPress and Joomla are perfectly capable of running any type of website. Techimpero is the best ecommerce development company in delhi. Our company works in mobile app development, strategy, website development, digital marketing etc. Our clients include enterprise companies and startups. We have worked in consumer products, business services and health etc. Ecommerce development (wordpress) company in delhi


From a technical point of view, both the WordPress and Joomla are not stand-alone pieces of software – they only work when installed on a web server. This is usually a web server that you get from a third-party company and we recommend Bluehost. If you want to build a website, the key aspect to think about is how comfortable you are with the web software configuration, working with servers, and dealing with technical aspects of the process in general.


Search engine optimization: If we compare the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) capabilities of both the platforms out of the box, Joomla takes a slight edge due enabling its users to set Meta descriptions and keywords for new articles, like so:


That being said, the true SEO capabilities of either platform are not readily apparent unless we take a look at the plugins or extensions available for the task. On WordPress’ side, we’ve got the incredibly popular Yoast SEO plugin – it’s powerful, offers lots of features and the best of all anyone can get to grips with it in a matter of minutes.


Yoast categorizes your SEO score in the different areas using a traffic light system of red, yellow, or green colors. Furthermore, the plugin tells you exactly how to improve your score in each area – and if that was not enough, it also rates your post’s readability.


During our testing, we found Easy Frontend SEO (EFSEO) to be the best Joomla which is equivalent to Yoast. This enables you to carry out many of the same tasks – such as editing your Meta information – directly on the front end of your site, and also includes a handy automatic mode for generating this data without your input.


Security: When it comes to the security, any system is only as strong as its weakest link – so the question is: which platform is more secure out of the box?


Due to its popularity, WordPress has a giant target on its back when it comes to security vulnerabilities. Each WordPress install is unique so thanks to the thousands of plugins (there’s a plugin for everything, from making charts to using pig latin) and themes available for the CMS.


While this is a definite positive, it is also a nightmare from a security standpoint – it’s impossible to make sure that every plugin employs proper safety standards, and remains compatible with newer versions of the platform.


Customization potential: We have already covered some ground when it comes to WordPress plugins and Joomla extensions. Both CMSs have their own roster of plugins for the most conceivable use cases – although WordPress wins the hands down due to sheer number. While the latter offers as many features as its WordPress counterpart, the former provides a better experience overall.


Moving on, when it comes to customizing your site’s style then there are WordPress themes on one side and Joomla templates on the other, and the same story repeats itself here as with the plugins. Not only is it easier to find the high-quality WordPress themes, but they also often offer a higher level of support and a mostly better experience.


Content management and potential: Both the WordPress and Joomla are complex CMSs, enabling users to create and manage just about any type of website. Although WordPress is often associated with the simple blogs, it’s also a great solution for landing pages and even more complex sites.


On the other hand, Joomla is renowned for its complexity – although it does offer some fantastic documentation. A site built with Joomla can evolve into anything it wants, but the learning curve is much steeper for users with no experience in web development.


Despite being equal when it comes to sheer potential, it is fair to say that the WordPress enables its users to manage their content with relative ease. Anyone can install the platform and pick up how to create posts, pages, or custom post types within a few minutes, whereas Joomla is less forgiving.

Taking all of this into consideration, we must award the final round of WordPress vs Joomla to the former, which gives the overall contest to WordPress!

Monday, February 15, 2021

How does SEM work? | SEM service provider in delhi

SEM, or search engine marketing, is the act of using paid strategies to increase the search visibility. In the past, search engine marketing was a term used to describe the both search engine optimization (SEO) and paid search. But now, it almost always refers only to paid search marketing. Techimpero is the best SEM service provider in Delhi. Seo plays an important role in promoting your business. We provide professional and effective Seo Services, Digital Marketing, PPC management and Google Adwords to our clients. Our SEO services can help you to bring your objectives into reality. SEM service provider in delhi


The Paid search ads can be found on almost any search results page. These paid placements are typically located at the top and the bottom of the page. They include an “Ad” designation to let the users know that it is a paid placement.


Difference between SEO & SEM: 


Search Marketing: It is an umbrella term that refers to any tactic used to increase a brand’s search visibility or get a brand to appear more frequently in search. It may include a paid SEM strategy, an organic SEO strategy, or the both.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Uses tactics that improve organic visibility in search. Unlike SEM tactics that pay for placement on SERPs, the best practices for SEO aim to attract search engines and earn prominent organic search placements. Organic search results do not have an “Ad” designation on their results. They are not paid for; what they are earned.


Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing: It is a paid marketing strategy where a brand creates a digital ad and is charged each time a user clicks on it. When PPC ads are shown in the search results, this is considered SEM. But PPC is not always related to SEM. For example, PPC ads can be used on sites that support digital ads like Promoted Tweets or Facebook Ads. PPC also includes Google display ads, where the brands are charged when a user clicks on a banner ad on a website.


SEM Platforms: An SEM platform is a search engine where a brand can place search ads that are displayed when users perform a search. The most common SEM platforms are Google and Bing.


SEM Keywords: They are the terms and phrases that you target in your search engine marketing campaigns. When users search for these keywords, they see your ads. For example, if your campaign targets the term “virtual assistant,” then your ad may show when a user searches for that phrase.


  • Broad match keywords: They target variations of a term. This includes similar phrases, singular or plural forms, misspellings, stemmings, or the synonyms of the target term. For example, when targeting the broad match keyword virtual assistant, a campaign may also target the virtual assistants, online assistant, and virtual team.
  • Phrase match keywords: They target the exact phrase, plus any phrases that have words that come before or after the target keyword. For example, when targeting the phrase match keyword virtual assistant, a campaign may also target the best virtual assistant, find a virtual assistant, and hire a virtual assistant.
  • Exact match keywords: They target words that are very closely related to the target term. This includes misspellings, singular or plural forms, stemmings, abbreviations, reordered words, paraphrases, or closely related words with the same search intent of the exact match term. For example, when targeting the exact match keyword virtual assistant, a campaign may also target the virtual assistants, virtual assistance, and virtuals assistant.
  • Negative keywords: They exclude terms that you don’t want to target. They are variations of broad match, phrase match, and exact match keywords that you don’t want to use in your campaign. These terms may be semantically related to your keywords but unrelated to the search intent of target term, your campaign, or ad copy. Examples of negative keywords for target term virtual assistant may include virtual assistant salary or virtual assistant training.


SEM Targeting: Targeting keywords tells a search platform when to show your ads. SEM targeting takes it one step further. Through targeting, you set the additional parameters for when your ad should show and who it should show to.

  • Location targeting sets the ads to only show to people who are within a certain ZIP code or geographic area.
  • Ad schedule targeting sets the ads to only show at certain times of the day or during the specific days of the week.
  • Demographic targeting sets the ads to only show to people who fit certain demographic categories based on age and gender.
  • Device targeting sets the ads to only show to users on specific devices such as mobile phones, desktops, or tablets.


SEM Ad Copy: For the most part, SEM ad copy mimics organic search results. But they also have options for showing the additional information. A standard ad usually includes two headlines, a description, and a website URL. You can also add:


  • Sitelink extensions
  • Callout extensions
  • Call extensions
  • Message extensions
  • Location extensions
  • Advertiser ratings
  • Price extensions
  • Structured snippet extensions

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Benefits of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) | Best SEM company in delhi

Brand Awareness in Search Engines
: As it is stated that SEO and unpaid social media take time. Google says it can take up to a year for a quality site to scale the rankings. And your ability to do so depends on the strategies applied and what the competition is doing. In contrast, the SEM positions you at the top or bottom of page one. A business that has no current visibility or any brand recognition can instantly get some attention. Techimpero is India’s one of the best SEM companies in Delhi. We are offering a wide range of SEO, Digital Marketing, PPC management and Google Adwords services all over India. With relevant Marketing plans crafted as per your needs, we aim to help grow your business. Best SEM company in delhi

If you have the right systems in place to turn this visibility into paying customers, that is a huge impact on your revenues.

Generate Revenues Quickly: With the right ad copy and strategies in place, you can see the sales coming in the same day. It does not require time to rev up. It is really easy to get started with something like Ads. It does, however, require the maintenance to get the right SEM ROI.

Grow with Your Business: It is incredibly scalable, easy to start and small. Test things out. See what works. Keep the costs low if you have a very limited budget. Then as the revenues go up thanks to SEM, increase the number of ads. Remove ads that aren’t working. Refine your campaigns. And increase your daily ad spend.

In Ads and the most other PPC platforms, you can set a daily budget of as low as $10. This way, you will never get surprised by a really high bill for advertising.

Reach People in the Right Place & Time: Nearly half of the world’s population is now online. Over 93% of online experiences start with a search engine. Search engines drive more traffic to the websites than any other source. It does not matter what your product or service is. With the only some rare exceptions, their journey starts online. Being visible in the search results means being where the customers are. It is also the perfect time to boost your website traffic and earn new customers.

People use search engines because they are looking for something or some info. Being the one to deliver it helps you to build a trust bank account with that person. Even if that click does not result in an immediate sale, it’s a touch point that furthers the person’s journey toward becoming a paying customer.

Reinforce Name Recognition: When you get a new customer, you may think that person just found you and made a purchase. But chances are that journey started days, weeks, or even the months ago. The way you consistently and repeatedly presented your brand during that time has helped you turn a prospect into a paying customer.

Experts estimate that it takes around 7-13 touch points with a business before someone converts. Each time they see you in social media, searches, on websites and in their inbox, you are reinforcing name recognition with that individual.

Reach Your Prime Target: Search engine marketing allows you to get really focused on your target customers in a way you never could with traditional marketing. Because this would be insanely expensive the traditional route.

An ad in Google Ads (was formerly known as Google AdWords) or Bing does not cost you anything until someone clicks it. You can create 10. Or create 100, although we do not recommend you try to manage that many at first.

Give You a Competitive Advantage: Through exceptional SEO, does your competitor already have a coveted top spot in organic search results? You can appear above them with the paid ads. Swipe a click that would have been theirs. Is your competitor also using the paid ads? You need to do as well to cancel out that competitive advantage they have on you.

The vast majority of businesses are not using the SEM to its full potential. They are paying more and getting less because of it. Chances are your competition is one of these. With a strong SEM strategy and compelling copy of your own, you will have the advantage over the less savvy competition. Right strategies can also outsmart them to increase your own market share.

Less Expensive than Traditional Advertising: You are not paying $1M to reach 10,000 people who watch a specific program but may or may not be your target customers. Instead of very broadly targeting a demographic as you might in a TV ad, you can place narrow focus to increase the conversion rate. If an ad has a low conversion rate then you can pull it or fix it quickly. A traditional ad keeps running for the length of your contract. You have to get approval to change this. And it costs much more to do so.

If an SEM ad performs really well or you experience an unexpected decline in sales, it is easy to scale up quickly. Increase the traffic and revenues with just a few clicks. Suspend the ads if you get more orders than you can handle. It is that easy.

Finally, it costs less because you know so much more about what is working and what is not. You can directly attribute a sale to an ad.